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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركات

Barangsiapa yang menghilangkan satu kesusahan dunia dari seorang
mukmin, maka Allah akan menghilangkan darinya satu kesusahan di hari
Kiamat. Barangsiapa meringankan orang yang sedang kesulitan, maka
Allah akan meringankannya dari (kesulitan) dunia dan akhirat.
Barangsiapa yang menutupi (kejelekan) seorang muslim, niscaya Allah
akan menutupi (kejelekannya) di dunia dan akhirat. Dan Allah akan
menolong hamba selama dia mau menolong saudaranya." (HR. Muslim.)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

KLCI - Hit 1200 points. Congratulate!

As I have predicted in Earlier, market really hit the mark of 1200 points yesterday.
Congratulate for making the right decision.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Salam Ramadan Semua!

Ramadan Al-Mubarak Menjelma Lagi! Sedar atau tidak, Majoriti daripada kita melangkaui Ramadan tanpa persiapan rapi. Semuanya bagaikan berserah. Masuk Ramadan, maka puasalah! Habis Ramadan…rayalah! Bahkan, jika dibandingkan sambutan menyambut Ramadan dan sambutan Syawal, bezanya amat terasa.

Kita wajar menjadikan Ramadan bulan yang istimewa. Kedatangannya wajar dijadikan acara tahunan. Sama seperti menanti kedatangan 31 Ogos. Media massa pula wajar mempromosikan Ramadan sebaik-baiknya. Inilah musimnya, manusia mampu menjadi baik.

Musim menziarahi masjid dan surau untuk solat, musim bersedekah menambah pahala, musim perokok belajar pelan-pelan berhenti merokok dan musim si gadis mengenakan busana yang lebih sopan. Tidak pelik, pengacara TV yang tidak bertudung pun akan menyangkut tudung di kepalanya pada bulan Ramadan ini.

Surau dan masjid di setiap kariyah hendaknya menjadikan kedatangan Ramadan bulan mengukuhkan ukhuwah di antara penduduk. Juga Ramadan sebagai bulan mengasah ibadah.

Kita tentu rasa seronok jika melewati kampung demi kampung, taman demi taman atau bandar demi bandar, maka di persimpangan jalan, di tiang-tiang lampu berderetan banner dan bunting yang berlumba-lumba mempromosikan Ramadan. Ramadan sebagai bulan tarbiyyah. Ramadan sebagai bulan ibadah.

Sekurang-kurangnya, kita jadi ingat bahawa Ramadan bukanlah semata Bazaar Ramadan atau pesta juadah. Bukan juga bulan berhabis wang dengan kereta baru, langsir baru, sofa baru dan baju baru.

Jadikanlah Ramadan bulan yang melentur nafsu, jinakkan dengan puasa yang bermutu. Puasa yang mana akhirnya menjadikan kita insan baharu menjelangnya satu syawal nanti…amin.

Syukur Alhamdulillah kita dipanjangkan umur untuk bertemu lagi bulan Ramadan ini.

Saya secara peribadi ingin mengucapkan Selamat Menyambut Bulan Mulia Ramadhan Al Mubarak, dengan rendah dirinya dan hinanya saya, bersama kita menginsafi dan meminta ampun dosa-dosa kita dan melebihkan amal ibadat di bulan mulia ini, semoga Allah swt membuka hati kita dan menjadikan kita manusia yang lebih patuh dan taat kepadaNya, insha-Allah.

Dengan kesempatan ini juga saya ingin memohon ribuan ampun dan maaf kepada semua yg mengenali saya samaada rakan biasa atau baik, rakan jauh mahupun rakan rapat, juga musuh dan juga musuh dalam selimut dan serta mungkin yang tidak berkenaan, ampunilah segala dosa saya terhadap kamu semua jika ada yang memendam di hati. Marilah kita sama-sama mengeratkan silaturrahim. Kita bersaudara sesama Islam.

P/S: SALAM RAMADAN buat semua pengunjung blog ini! Moga rahmat Allah melimpahi kita semua, amin.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

PRSEC-96% Profit in 10 Months!

103 % Profit in less than A YEAR- This is Not CRAZY!

Last year I told most of my friends and prospects, "Invest now because if you dont take this oprtunity you will have to wait for another 10 years to get an oportunity like this". That was 3rd Quarter 0f 2008.
Today If you have follow my advised...SENYUM LEBARRR la lu brader....!!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Public China Select Fund 65% in 9 months

PCIF returns 50.96% in less than a Year

Mengapa as-Salihin?

Mengapa kami memilih as-Salihin?


as-Salihin adalah sebuah syarikat amanah dan sebuah syarikat yang berterusan. Dengan kakitangan sepenuh masa, akan sentiasa memastikan kesinambungan dalam proses pentadbiran hingga pembahagian harta yang terakhir.
Bertanggungjawab dan Adil

Tidak seperti pemegang amanah individu, as-Salihin sebagai badan yang dikawal oleh undang-undang mesti memastikan wang yang diamanahkan diurus, dijaga serta diagihkan dengan baik. Selain itu, sebagai badan korporat, as-Salihin bebas dan adil kepada semua benefisiari berbanding pemegang amanah individu yang mungkin mempunyai hubungan serta terikat dengan emosi terhadap benefisiari.
Profesional dan Kemampuan

Dengan melantik as-Salihin , anda pasti berpuas hati dengan profesional dan kemampuan untuk menjalankan keseluruhan pentadbiran pada kos yang berpatutan.
Pengecualian daripada Bon Pentadbiran

Wasi adalah individu yang dilantik di dalam Wasiat untuk mengendalikan arahan dan kehendak Pewasiat. Sekiranya berwasiat, Bon Pentadbiran diperlukan jika tiada Wasi, di mana pentadbir akan dilantik dan diberi Surat Kuasa Mentadbir dengan Wasiat. Bon Pentadbiran diperlukan jika nilai kasar harta pusaka melebihi RM50,000 kecuali Syarikat Amanah dilantik sebagai Pentadbir. Sebagai Syarikat Amanah, as-Salihin dikecualikan daripada keperluan Bon Pentadbiran.
Proses Undang-Undang yang Segera

Dengan melantik as-Salihin sebagai Wasi anda, proses undang-undang untuk mentadbir harta anda selepas kematian dapat dijalankan dalam masa yang singkat dan tiada pertelingkahan untuk melantik pentadbir harta.

Di as-Salihin kami menyediakan perkhidmatan untuk kemudahan anda - Perancang Harta Islam kami bersiap sedia membantu anda pada bila-bila masa dan di tempat bersesuaian dengan anda.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Untuk melabur dalam Unit Amanah anda perlulah mengikut 4 syarat berikut, pasti anda menang :-

1) Tempoh Pelaburan - melabur dalam unit amanah bukanlah satu pelaburan untuk cepat kaya@jangka pendek. Ianya adalah platform terbaik untuk pelaburan tempoh sederhana atau jangka panjang 3 tahun ke atas. Walaupun pada ketika ini hampir semua pelanggan saya sedang menikmati keuntungan melebihi 10% dalam tempoh hanya 2 bulan, bukanlah bermakna keadaan ini sama setiap tahun. Target melabur di unit amanah adalah untuk menambahkan nilai pegangan unit anda dalam jangka panjang.

Bayangkan anda membeli 100 gram emas (gelang). Nilai emas sentiasa naik turun, bagaimanapun biasanya selepas 5 tahun nilainya akan jauh meningkat. Tetapi walau setinggi manapun harga emas, berat gelang masih sama (100 gram).
Bayangkan jika berat emas (gelang) anda bertambah setiap tahun. Atau dgn kata lain emas anda beranak pinak setiap tahun. Bagus tak? Beli hari ni 100 gram, 5 tahun lagi dah bertambah 500gram.

Jika anda nak tahu itulah konsep melabur unit amanah. Seperti beli emas yg berupaya beranak-pinak tiap tahun. Bermakna jika harga unit amanah turun sekalipun anda tidak perlu risau kerana unit pegangan anda sentiasa bertambah dari tahun ke tahun.

2) Disiplin. Pastikan anda membuat pelaburan tambahan secara tetap setiap bulan. Cara ini akan membolehkan anda mengambil semua harga unit anda samada dalam keadan harga tinggi mahupun ketika turun untuk mengoptimumkan keuntungan anda. Cara ini dipanggil Kos Purata Ringgit (Dollar Cast Averaging).

3) Ketahui perkembangan semasa pasaran saham (KLCI) melalui perunding anda setiap 3 bulan sekali untuk mengetahui perkembangan semasa pasaran serantau dan kemaskini portfolio pelaburan anda supaya mencapai matlamat pelaburan yg telah ditetapkan dari awal.

4) Laksanakan Tindakan - Buat keputusan utk tindakan yg perlu dilaksana bila berlaku keadaan berikut:-
i) matlamat pulangan anda telah dicapai
ii) keadaan pasaran menunjukkan perubahan samada meningkat atau menurun
iii) perubahan ke atas profil risiko anda
iv) perubahan matlamat kewangan anda

* Untuk bulan ini pihak Sykt ada membuat tawaran khas kepada semua pelabur. Saya galakkan anda melabur ke dalam dana Public China Ittikal Fund (PCIF). Tawaran akan berakhir 31 Julai 2009. Harga sekarang sekitar 19 sen dan fees dikenakan utk jumlah 5000 - 9.999 = 5.25%, 10,000 ke atas hanya 5% berbanding 5.5% kadar biasa. Sila rujuk Public Mutual News untuk presentation slide dana ini.

Birds Nest Investment Scheme!

This article save my client money... a week before this article appear on The Star my client told me that she wanted to invest in a Birds Nest Lot investment.
Immediately after reading this articles I call JB and manage to speak to her. She was very lucky because she only paid a deposit of RM500 and have not pay the balance..."thanks very much Jamil for saving my money. I will follow your advice, and will invest in your Public China Ittikal fund"

Don't loose your hard earn money!

Get-Rich-Quick Gold Investment!

Get-Rich-Quick Schemes!

KLCI - 17 July 2009

My prediction was right... KLCI is still in the uptrend mood.
My target is 1,200 point, by end september.

* You can hear others opinion but you should follow your heart.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

KLCI - 14 July 2009

IF you look at the straight line Support (bottom) I dont think KLCI will go below 1000 mark. Three try so far indicate that the strength is more toward uptrend.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

KLCI- 9th July 2009

Saya sayang daddy - Paris

LOS ANGELES 8 Julai - Anak perempuan bongsu Michael Jackson, Paris Katherine memberi penghormatan terakhir kepada ayahnya dengan berkata, "Daddy adalah ayah terbaik yang tidak dapat saya ungkapkan".

Kanak-kanak berumur 11 tahun itu buat pertama kalinya membuat ucapan di khalayak ramai ketika seluruh dunia sedang menyaksikan majlis penghormatan untuk Jackson di Staples Center dan sekali gus menafikan gosip berhubung kehidupan pelik keluarga mereka.

"Sejak saya dilahirkan, Daddy telah menjadi ayah yang terbaik yang tidak dapat dibayangkan oleh kamu. Saya amat menyayanginya," katanya kepada tetamu yang hadir.

Selepas ucapan penghormatan daripada abang Jackson, Jermaine dan Marlon, Paris menyatakan hasratnya untuk berucap.

"Cakaplah," kata makciknya, Janet Jackson dengan lembut ketika Paris membuat ucapan umum selamat jalan kepada ayahnya.

Luahan perasaan Paris mencuit perasaan para hadirin di Staples Center dan mereka yang mengikuti upacara itu melalui Internet.

Suasana menjadi lebih hiba apabila Paris tidak dapat meneruskan kata kerana terlalu kesedihan lalu ditenteramkan oleh ibu saudaranya, Janet.

Paris, abangnya, Prince Michael, 12, dan adiknya Michael II, 7, turut menyertai nyanyian penghormatan We Are the World kepada ayah mereka.

Ini adalah kali pertama seluruh dunia dapat menyaksikan ketiga-tiga anak Jackson, setelah Raja Pop itu semasa hidupnya sentiasa melindungi anaknya daripada perhatian umum. - AFP

My comment : No words can explain neither describe how I feel when, I can spend more time with my family especially with my 3 heros. Spend ur time more with your family while u still can do it, especially during their age of 4 - 12 yrs old.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Bestino group

Kuala Lumpur, 16 June 2009

SC orders Bestino Group to stop issuing securities

The Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) today ordered Bestino Group Bhd (Bestino Group) to cease issuing preference shares or securities of any kind to the public with immediate effect.

Bestino Group had failed to seek the SC's approval for the offering of their preference shares to the public and to register a prospectus with the SC as required under Section 232 of the Capital Markets and Services Act 2007 (CMSA).

Through a scheme it marketed, Bestino Group claimed to be involved in gold investments and the issuance of redeemable preference shares, promising monthly returns of 3% in dividend payments.

Listed and unlisted public companies wishing to issue securities of any kind to the public must comply with Section 232 of the CMSA, which makes it mandatory to obtain the SC's prior approval as well as register a prospectus that complies with the CMSA and the SC's Prospectus Guidelines. These requirements aim to ensure that investors are provided with all the relevant information on a company, the investment scheme it offers, and the risks involved in order for them to make informed decisions on their investments.

These disclosures form part of the protection required by law for investors. Investors must always ensure they have the benefit of this protection by asking for a copy of the prospectus if they have not been provided one by the company.

Once again, the SC wishes to remind investors to be wary of investment schemes promising extraordinarily high returns within a short investment period. Investors must always check to see if the activity undertaken by the company is legal, and where it requires regulatory approval for the activity, to ensure that the company has the appropriate approvals or licences.

Members of the public with information on illegal investments schemes or suspected scams involving securities of any kind are encouraged to contact the SC via email address or via tel: 03-6204 8999/8777.



Last updated: 12:59 pm
December 14, 2008
Posted: 2:16 am
December 14, 2008

The fallout from a stunning $50 billion swindle - allegedly engineered by Bernard Madoff - is turning into a global pandemic.

International banks, hedge funds and small-time investors from Japan to Switzerland emerged yesterday as potential victims in what's being called history's largest Ponzi scheme.

The international losses alone could be more than $8 billion.

Just in Geneva, banks reportedly may be out of $4 billion invested with Madoff.

Tokyo's Nomura Holdings, which reportedly recently began marketing Madoff's fund abroad, also is swept up in the financial wipeout.

And Bermuda's Kingate Management had invested part of its $2.8 billion fund with Madoff.

"It's overwhelming. We have been interviewing people from as far away as Argentina, London - of course, Palm Beach and the New York area - up and down the Eastern seaboard, and out West," said attorney Mark Mulholland, who has filed a class-action suit against Madoff in federal court in Long Island.

Meanwhile, it was revealed yesterday that Madoff's investment business hasn't been inspected by the Securities and Exchange Commission since he registered with the agency in September 2006, according to Bloomberg News.

Generally, the SEC scrutinizes a newly registered firm's books in the first year and then checks them at least every five years.

Madoff's brokerage firm - which is separate from the investment business - was found to have three violations in a 2005 inspection for violating rules on trade prices. But the company was inspected last year without a claim.

While the effects of the alleged scam were felt worldwide, the brunt of its effect is being felt among wealthy country-club investors Madoff cultivated on Long Island and in South Florida.

Some of the Big Apple's wealthiest individuals and institutions may have been duped, including Yeshiva University - on whose board Madoff sat - Mets owner Fred Wilpon and the former owners of the Stop & Shop supermarket chain.

Other notables who have reportedly been stung by the collapse of Madoff's fund are Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) and members of New York's Loeb family.

Sources say Kay Windsor founder Carl Shapiro lost $400 million, and Nine West founder Jerome Fisher, who lives in Palm Beach, Fla., lost $150 million.

North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System on Long Island and the Texas-based Julian J. Levitt Foundation are also believed to have lost millions.

"The numbers we are hearing from these victims in terms of losses are in the hundreds of millions absolutely," Mulholland said.

American hedge funds were far from immune.

Maxam Capital Management, of Darien, Conn., may have lost $280 million and has been forced to close. The Fairfield Greenwich Group in Connecticut had part of its $7.5 billion fund invested with Madoff. And New York-based Access International also lost an unknown amount.

The SEC has seized Madoff's assets and Lee Richards has been named receiver to go through Madoff's books to determine who is entitled to surviving funds.

Investors anxious about their investments have been urged to call Richards at (214) 647-7511.

Additional reporting by Stephanie Cohen and AP

everyday getting better

Evry day and in every way I am getting better and better...
Everyday and in everyway I am getting better and better....
Everyday and in everyway I am getting better and better....
Everyday and in everyway I am getting better and better....
Everyday and in everyway I am getting better and better....
everyday and in everyway I am getting better and better....
everyday and in everyway I am getting better and better....
everyday I am better and better...aeveryday I am better...everyday I ambetter...everyday I am better ...sam beteerrr...better...better...I am betterr....everyday and in everyway I amgetting nbetter and better...everyday and in every way I am getting better and better....

Sunday, June 28, 2009


You're not alone...
You have create a legacy for the King of Pop. Tonite I was on Astro and watching 8tv. I realised that no one could ever had the charisma like you do, u make everyone cries during your concert... only MJ could make everyone cries in his concert.

We will miss you.. Al-fatihah.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Remain Calm Through Market Turbulence

In the wake of the turbulence of stock markets in recent months, unit trust investors may be tempted to either sell or buy. However, investors are advised to remain calm and practise dollar cost averaging with their long-term goals in view.

When regional and global markets succumbed to panic selling in August 2007 and more recently in January 2008, the severity and sharpness of the correction was large enough to make unit trust investors ask themselves whether they should redeem now to stem further losses or buy more units at currently low prices. In fact, if they practise dollar cost averaging, they need not concern themselves with these timing issues. Dollar cost averaging enables investors to automatically buy more units when prices fall and fewer units when prices rise.

It is especially during times of market volatility that individual investors should remain focused on their long-term investment goals and keep their emotions from influencing their investment decisions. A disciplined and methodical approach to investing is the key to long-term investment success.

Unit trust investors are advised to buy and hold their investments for the medium to long term. The buy-and-hold principle is based on the notion that a good investment will generate reasonably attractive returns over the medium to long term. This also means that investors are able to distinguish between daily movements in the market and the underlying long-term value of their investments. Professional fund managers buy and hold for the medium to long term as they are prepared to wait patiently over several years for their investments to reach their intrinsic or fair values. For the unit trust investor, the 'buy-and-hold' strategy can also be applied by holding on to a well-selected unit trust fund over a period of at least three years.

There are some investors who believe they can achieve superior returns by timing the purchase and redemption of equity funds to profit from the stockmarket's short-term movements. These investors are tempted to engage in timing the market especially in an environment where equity markets are volatile. Such investors who wish to make quick gains in the stock market by switching from one fund into another fund will often be disappointed. Market timing strategies that are often recommended by 'investment experts' have seldom been successful. This is because stock markets are inherently volatile and are impossible to predict with numerous factors, both domestic and foreign, affecting daily and weekly fluctuations in stock prices.

Investors who wish to take a more active approach with their investments by timing the market will expose themselves to many risks. In order to profit from the market's short-term trends, the investor has to correctly predict the market's trend and its turning points.

Without the appropriate skills to discern signals and time the entries and exits, the market timer may not only miss opportunities, but also potentially suffer the blow of rapid losses. Also with a higher frequency of fund switching, investors will have to incur increased transaction costs.

Investors who are concerned about market volatility are advised to practise dollar cost averaging as this strategy enables investors to focus on the long-term investment goal and not worry about the prevailing level of the market. Dollar cost averaging is simply investing a fixed amount of money in a financial asset (such as a unit trust fund) on a regular basis (monthly, quarterly, biannual) regardless of the market cycle. By investing a fixed amount on a regular basis, investors will buy more units when the market is lower and fewer units when the market is higher. This strategy will produce a lower average cost of investment than the average market price over any given period.

In addition, investors are also advised to rebalance their portfolios regularly at least once a year to ensure that their portfolio allocation reflects their investment objectives and risk profile. Thus if, as a result of an uptrend in stock prices, an investor's equity exposure has exceeded a level consistent with his risk tolerance, he can trim a portion of the equity funds and switch into bond or money market funds to rebalance the asset allocation accordingly. Maintaining a target asset allocation reduces the risk that the portfolio becomes too concentrated in a single asset class.

In conclusion, unit trust investors should always focus on achieving their medium to long-term investment goals. The practice of dollar cost averaging and regular portfolio rebalancing are effective tools that help investors remain focused on the long term horizon and prevent them from over-reacting to short-term movements of the stockmarket.

Copyright 2008 by
Public Mutual

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

EPF Declares 4.50 % Dividend For 2008

Yesterday 16 March 2009, The Employees Provident Fund (EPF) has declared a dividend of 4.50 percent for 2008, lower than the 5.8 percent in 2007.

The lower dividend rate is due to the increase in investment provisioning resulting from the sharp decline in global equity prices brought about by the worldwide financial crisis, the pension fund said in a statement here Monday.

Despite the financial meltdown, the EPF recorded the highest ever earnings of RM20 billion in gross income for 2008, an increase of 9.36 percent over the previous year's gross income of RM18.29 billion.

"While the year 2008 was challenging due to the unprecedented global financial crisis that has impacted economies worldwide, EPF's investment portfolio for the year performed better at the gross income level compared to 2007. However, due to the sharp decline in the equity markets, a large provision had to be made resulting in a marked reduction in net income," its chairman Tan Sri Samsudin Osman said.

My comments :-

EPF main role to keep save EPF contributors money for their retirement has made the organisation keep a conservative approach in investing the EPF fund. However, you and me as EPF contributor has the right to choose whether to keep all our money with EPF or to transfer some of Account I to the Unit Trust Management Consultant (UTMC).

Ask yourself this.. when you have the option to transfer some of your EPF fund to UTMC to get more return in Unit trust fund, should I keep my money in EPF? What is the risk if I put some of my Account I money to the UTMC?

Get some tips from few expert :-

1) Can You Retire ?

2) We all need to be Millionaire

3) Opportunities in Crisis

4) How to make Unit Trust work for you

I hope this info will give you some idea how you can start building your Financial Fortress. Kindly call 012-2892366 for enquiry.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Gunakan masa terluang dengan kaedah sempurna

Rasulullah SAW bersabda yang bermaksud:

“Pergunakanlah lima sebelum datang lima perkara. Masa mudamu sebelum masa tuamu, masa kayamu sebelum masa miskinmu, masa lapangmu sebelum masa sempitmu dan masa hidupmu sebelum masa matimu.”

Sabda Rasulullah SAW yang bermaksud:

“Apabila sudah tiba waktu pagi, maka jangan tunggu sampai petang, apabila sudah tiba waktu petang maka jangan tunggu sampai waktu pagi. Oleh sebab itu, pergunakanlah waktu hidupmu untuk bekal kematianmu, dan pergunakanlah waktu sihatmu untuk waktu sakitmu.”

Friday, February 27, 2009

Public Mutual wins award for second year

Monday November 24, 2008

PUBLIC Bank’s wholly owned subsidiary Public Mutual won the “Most Outstanding Islamic Fund Manager” award for the second consecutive year at the 5th KLIFF Islamic Finance awards 2008 held recently.

Public Mutual chairman Tan Sri Dr Teh Hong Piow said in a statement:

“This award represents the 121st award won by Public Mutual since 1999. Winning the award not only reinforces our position in the Islamic unit trust industry but also affirms our commitment to excellence.”

As at end of September, Public Mutual managed 24 Islamic funds with total Islamic assets under management of RM8.5bil, which represented 50.7% market share of the private Islamic unit trust industry.

Public Mutual is the largest private unit trust company with 67 funds under management. The total net asset value of the funds managed by the company was RM24.1bil as at end September.

Etiqa Named Most Outstanding Takaful Company

Award presented in conjunction with the fifth Kuala Lumpur Islamic Finance Forum 2008

Etiqa Takaful Berhad was named the most outstanding takaful company at the 5th Kuala Lumpur Islamic Finance Forum 2008 (KLIFF 2008) Awards ceremony held on Tuesday, 18 November 2008. The award was presented by Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop, Finance Minister II. Dato' Aminuddin Md Desa, the newly appointed chief executive officer of Mayban Fortis Holdings Berhad accepted the award as the Director of Etiqa Takaful.

"This award reflects the culmination of efforts by the Etiqa staff who are dynamic and creative, constantly improving to ensure that Etiqa lives up to its promise of Humanizing Insurance and takaful by placing people over policies. We've executed with many initiatives to simplify things for our customers, to ensure that our customers become more familiar with takaful as well as to make the entire purchase and claims process easier for them," said Dato' Aminuddin.

Etiqa Takaful is the largest takaful company in Malaysia with 12,000 agents and a takaful shareholders fund of RM 276 million by the end of financial year 07/08. Earlier this year, Etiqa Takaful was hailed for its innovative and people-centric marketing approach, and was awarded the prestigious Best Takaful Marketing award at the International Takaful Awards held in conjunction with the International Takaful Summit 2008 in London.

The award ceremony saw 13 companies involved in Islamic Financing awarded in different categories such as Most Outstanding Institution for Contribution to Islamic Finance, Most Outstanding Shariah Board for Contribution to Islamic Finance, Most Outstanding Islamic Bank, Most Innovative Products in Sukuk and Most outstanding Business Advisory & Consulting Firm among others.

"We are pleased that our efforts in taking insurance and takaful to a personal level have bore fruit. This award will definitely push us to strive towards being the takaful player in people's hearts," he further added.

Etiqa is the single master brand for insurance and takaful businesses under Mayban Fortis Holdings Berhad, the insurance and takaful arm of Maybank Group. The brand essence of Etiqa - humanizing insurance and takaful - is supported by four brand attributes namely performance with conscience, crystal clear, hand-in-hand and rock solid.